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Self-Directed Learning: Figures, Tables, & Images

First- and second- year medical students can use this guide to discover resources when completing a 'Self-Directed Learning' assignment

How to Use This Study Guide

Once inside the resources found here on each tabbed page, follow these steps:

1. First, conduct a basic search in each using symptoms as key terms.
2. Second, scan the results, opening different types of resources, and use those resources to learn.
3. Finally, use filters to narrow your search and, if necessary, search again using other terms along with original terms searched.

Source: Fairleigh Dickinson University Librarians. (2023). AccessMedicine Database Guide: Basic Searching. [website]. Fairleigh Dickinson University: New Jersey.

Use these Figures, Tables, & Images

The Infographic Guide to Medicine

Scanning tables and lists related to diseases and conditions--whether found in a book chapter or an infographic or a clinical summary or a similar case file--enables students to quickly determine whether characteristics of those diseases and conditions present match what they see a patient presenting in a case they are researching.

The Infographic Guide to Medicine (AccessMedicine):

Found under the Infographic menu link along the top of the AccessMedicine homepage, The Infographic Guide to Medicine contains more than 600 highly visual, expertly written “snapshots” build your understanding and retention of key medical concepts and top diagnoses, condensed into a one-page snapshot with easy-to-remember visual elements, such as color coding for topic groupings and text placement.

Images that accompany a clinical summary in VisualDx are valuable to students researching a case because those images can help differentiate between one disease or condition and another.

Searchable by symptoms, signs, and patient factors, VisualDx is a path to a customized differential diagnosis. The images and graphics speed comparison, recognitions and diagnosis. 

VisualDx combines medical knowledge, standardized terminology, search, and medical images to deliver concise and accurate answers. Variation in skin tone and presentation are displayed to allow quick search by diagnosis, build a patient-specific differential, or look up drug-induced adverse reactions by medication – all at the point of care.

Meharry Medical College. 1005 Dr. D.B. Todd Blvd. Nashville, TN. 37208