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Physician Assistant Sciences: Physical Examination and Documentation I: Vital Signs

This study guide may be used when students are taking GSPA 752-01


Figures & Tables

Flash Cards

Vital Signs, Anthropometric Data, and Pain
DeGowin's Diagnostic Examination Flash Cards

Medical teaching and texts are generally disease-oriented, but medical practice is focused on individual patients who often do not present
with a clear diagnosis. The clinician’s goal in performing a history and physical examination is to generate diagnostic hypotheses. This was true
or Hippocrates and Osler and remains true today. The goal of DeGowin’s Diagnostic Examination Flashcards is to encourage a thoughtful, systematic
approach to diagnosis based on the history and physical examination. Each flashcard highlights a fundamental diagnostic principle elaborated in the
10th edition of DeGowin’s Diagnostic Examination.

Video & Audio

JoVE's Clinical Skills VideoVital Signs: BP, Heart Rate, Temperature, Respiratory Rate, & Oxygen Saturation
JoVE's Clinical Skills Video: Blood Pressure Measurement

Meharry Medical College. 1005 Dr. D.B. Todd Blvd. Nashville, TN. 37208