MedStudy Pediatrics Core, 9th ed.,
2020-2021, Books 1-5 (boxed set)
Call Numbers: WS 18.2 H36 v.1-v.5
Print volumes may be checked out separately;
may be found on the Ready Reference shelves
- Book 1: Neonatology, Growth & Development, Nutrition, Preventive Pediatrics, Adolescent Medicine & Sexual Health, Behavioral Medicine & Substance Abuse
- Book 2: Emergency Medicine & Maltreatment Syndromes, Pharmacology and Pain Management, Musculoskeletal & Sports Medicine, Gastroenterology, Pulmonary Medicine, & Neurology
- Book 3: Cardiology, Nephrology & Urology, & Endocrinology
- Book 4: Allergy & Immunology, Infectious Disease, Dermatology, Biostatistics, Ethics, Patient Safety, & Quality Improvement
- Book 5: Rheumatology, Ophthalmology & ENT, Genetics, Metabolic Disorders, Hematology, & Oncology